Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Done for a while.

I guess I will stop posting for a while. You guys need to put the clues together as I am seeing it. Take all day, I don't care. Remember. I have sent out secret messengers to watch over you guys. Lolol. Like my 'bestie' LEladyBB who helped me leak out the blog. Ha, bitch. You are so gullible. Actually thinking that I am your bestfriend? Yeah right. I would never do such a stupid thing. I simply used you, and played the game right. But remember that you was sworn to secrecy so I know that even if you are reading this, you still will never tell. I know two of your deepest darkest secrets. Lol. You are so stupid for telling them to me. Pathetic bitch. [:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your never gonna find out who I am bitch.
    I'll never be a minion.

  3. Wow, Anna, I laugh at the way you think that you're SO superior just cause we're trying to figure out who the blogger is. Guess what? I'm not fooled. I admit, it's a clever idea, but one that's ending in a fail. Face it, you think you're better then us all. And you know that you're SO loved in OC and that everyone is scared to accuse you. Well guess what? I'm not. You can even put me on the death wish list, I don't care. And guess what? You're doing a little something called "cyber bullying" and, in your case, someone on here can easily show the police this blog, they can and will track down where it came from, and you can get your mustache ready for juvy.

  4. http://i25.tinypic.com/qps00l.jpg

    If you have the guts, look at the picture. Think of what's happened to OC. We've been pulled apart. We lost friends and I, I lost a family. I'm not known in OC but i love to go there and see all the people i always see. OC has gotten less respect from me, all of you have. When you accuse people of doing this horible thing, think of what's behind those pixels. Believe it or not, its a LIVE person. That person has feelings and i'm pretty sure they don't like being accused of doing such a horible thing. So whenever you think about accusing someone, think of that picture.

    Blogger, you win. OC was torn apart. The family i loved now is fighting and not trusting anyone. Congradulations on ruining peoples days, and maybe even the whole club. I hope you don't believe in carma because if you did, i'm not sure what would happen. Good luck with your life.

  5. Instead of being done for a while, what about you just delete this.
    It's pathetic.

  6. everyone give it up. its not worth out attention!

  7. Wow, whoever created this has some whack ass issues.

    Go buy a life on eBay.

  8. Hahaha girl keep posting, you make me laugh.

  9. You have literally ruined the club.
    Everyone is upset, mad, and most of all hurt.
    How low do you need to stoop to get your point across?
    Seriously, you have ruined this club.
    Write about me, Idgaf.
    Your words wont hurt me.
    Go on. I dare you.
    You are just a little brat trying to get attention.
    And congrats. Its working.
    This club is falling apart, and its all your fault.
    Do everybody a favor and stop.
    Before something bad happens.

  10. ohhh your just too tough for me :]
    im seriously SOOOO afraid of you ;)
    come get me :D
    i know that your bark is worse than your bite .. it always is with people like you; you tease, you threat.
    You're really smaller than us all inside.
    Were you hurt? Did the OC'ers not WANT you? This might as well be cyber bullying :)
    &+ you really should just shut the fack up for once.

    - stardoll account : WhatIsLove.x

    come get me tough girl ;)

  11. Hannahfan27! thats you. hahaha i think ive figured you out.

  12. your just a lowlife who has nothing better thing better to do, thats really sad you need to get a life.

    You seem lonely, Do you need a friend?

  14. Magic.Kitten here.
    Get a life you attention-seeking whore. If you think your so smart, then why do you post this? Because this isn't smart. I don't care if you make a blog about me, I really don't. But either way, I know who you are. So back off & watch out.
