Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Ugh, I've never liked you at all. You say that you are leaving OC, yet I still see your face. Just leave! You don't belong there at all! HA! And you even say that you are going to be a bigger bitch than ever before. Yeah right whore. You try to act all tough, but no one is scared of you except Haloismylife. Yes, bitch, I am talking about you. You always try to avoid a fight with her. I have no idea why though. No one is scared of Robyn. She is just putting on a little circus act. If only OC had the guts to say what they really feel about you. [: I think I should post a few things. Nah, I have better things to take care of bitch. Oh, and fuck you.


  1. You do realize anyone can pick up their phone, contact the cyberpolice, send them this blog and put you in court for cyberbullying?

  2. tell me what people think about me, i want to hear it
