Monday, July 26, 2010

My evil plan!

Well I am going to make tons of noobs accounts, and report OC a million times hoping to get you guys deleted! No club with such patheticness deserves to be on stardoll! Seriously. Lots of pathetic bitches in that club. OC IS GONNA DIE BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. :O Wow that's a dumb plan.
    It won't you do know that?

  2. One word
    You think we will care if you delete OC?
    We may be a bit upset as we all worked hard at making it like a family, but it's just a virtual
    club. We'll all get over it and make another one. You must have a lot of free time on your hands to be "destroying" a virtual club. ~sailorj ;]

  3. Hahahaha gotta laugh at you loser,
    If you make lods of accounts and you report OC your just a newcomer haven't even joined it
