Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stupid people.

Calmyourmomma. Ha. Getting mad because people are accusing you of making this lovely blog. Hey, I would love it if someone accused me. BUT YOU HAVEN'T YET! Anyways, wouldn't you just love the attention? All the friends you would make? So many people writing in your GB. I mean, sure, it may be mean things, but you are still getting publicity. I see you guys need another clue as to who I am? Hmm.. I'll think of one, and be sure to post it. [: Toodles. By the way, Calmyourmomma, think about who your real friends are. I could be anyone. Someone who you're close to. DON'T TRUST ANYONE BITCH!

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I dont get why everyone is making a big deal about this. xD
    You're just another annyoing person in life. There is going to plenty more.
    I think your plan backfired. Everyone secretly wants to be on this "popularity list".
    Rofl. xD
