Monday, July 26, 2010

I'm Anna

Lololol I am Anna. This blog was just for fun not to hurt anyone's feelings at all. Ha bitches! Why didn't you guys suspect me? Wait. Am I Anna? Or I am not? Hmm... I'll leave it up to OC to decide [: Toodles.


  1. You thought it was fun, but you hurt feelings :P

    what's wrong with you..?
    I love how i used a fake name, so you don't know who i am eitherrr :L

  2. But you did say yesterday you wouldn't want to hurt anyone
    and if it really is you Anna
    you did hurt some people
    like the one to windows111 that was beyon uncalled for

  3. I don't think it's her.
    I think it's someone who left OC because of being hated & drama, so they wanted to get revenge.

  4. xD LOL :') your rather pathetic. if your not afraid of showing your true feelings about people then why havn't you said who you are instead of pretending to be people more popular than you. PATHETIC.
